Treend Micro OfficeScan. From the eval download. Looks reasonable for a small system-count closed environment i.e. a physical security infrastructure.
Doesn’t like to be run on an underpowered Windows XP system as the server. Can’t fault it for that, except it neither stopped me or winged at me when I tried.
Worse, it fails to detect certain kinds of malware we have samples of. Specifically, it can’t see “Trojan.Downloader.Bredolab.AZ”, which is what BitDefender’s onlnie web scan calls it. This is in a tgz of a mailbox that happens to be on the disk. Kaspersky also saw it. Two a/v packages saw it counts as a “fail” for trend micro, in my view.
So we’ll pass on this one for a recommendation, for now.
This was a live drive-by product review, of course. If/when we do a more organized search this solution may be a fit.jan